55 Delicious Immune Boosting Recipes (2024)

Try one of these 55 immune boosting recipes. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support your immune system.

This year was brutal for the flu and sickness. This was the first year my kids have ever had the flu. We think my oldest picked it up at college and brought it home, and it passed through two more kids and my husband.

I was just sitting there with my elderberry syrup. No one wanted to listen to Mom though.

55 Delicious Immune Boosting Recipes (1)

I put together a collect of 55 immune boosting food recipes. These recipes are all made with whole ingredients and no sugar.

They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to nourish your body. Many also have antioxidants.

Will these stop you from getting sick? Probably not. They will, however, give your immune system a little boost so it can defend your body against anything that comes its way.

These immunity boosting recipes will help you fill your body with antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients. If you don't have all of the ingredients to make them, I admittedly don't, don't worry. You can still order on Amazon and get things delivered.

Personally, I like Nature's Way Elderberry Syrupand Umcka Elderberry Intensive Cold Plus Flu Syrup. My kids use the Nature's Way Elderberry Gummies.

Immune Boosting Smoothies

Make an immunity boosting orange smoothie to boost your vitamin C intake. via Kristine's Kitchen

This creamy strawberry grapefruit smoothie is high in vitamin C and antioxidants. via All Nutribullet Recipes

This Beet Cherry and Lime Smoothie is a tasty treat that’s also healthy! Cherries, beets, and limes are brimming with Vitamin C to boost your immune system and help you feel energized and healthy. via Just Beet It

55 Delicious Immune Boosting Recipes (2)

This sugar free ginger banana smoothie boosts your immune system and your body. via Natalie's Health

Reduce inflammation and pain, boost immunity, and improve skin health with a delicious Beet, Orange, and Turmeric Smoothie. This vibrant drink is vegan, dairy-free, and 100% tasty! via Just Beet It

Don't like the taste of Emergen-C? Make this peach berry Emergen-C smoothie to make one packet taste yummy. via Everything Pretty

Or try this coconut mango Emergen-C smoothie recipe to boost vitamins for immune support. via April Go Lightly

This sweet kale smoothie bowl is a nutrient dense way to get extra nutrition when you're feeling sick. via Creative Green Living

This yummy immune boosting smoothie is made with several fruits, ginger, turmeric, and almond milk. via 24 Carrot Kitchen

This smoothie was so easy to blend and turned out creamy, just the way we like it. It’s loaded with many different nutrients and has a double taste: beet and grapefruit. via Refresh My Health

Not a fan of smoothies? Try a wild blueberry kefir smoothie bowl. via Craving Something Healthy

55 Delicious Immune Boosting Recipes (3)

This vitamin C boost smoothie looks so yummy with orange, mango, and pineapple via All Nutribullet Recipes

Try a grapefruit ginger smoothie to wake your body up and support your immune system. via Natalie's Health

5-a-Day Fruit Smoothie is packed full of blueberries, apple, banana, kiwi fruit and lime which are blended with coconut water for a refreshing burst of flavour and nutrients. via Fab Food 4 All

This green smoothie is full of fruits and veggies to help keep you healthy and strong. via Easy Budget Recipes

This Detox Spirulina Chia Seed Green Smoothie Recipe is actually really tasty. It’s full of antioxidants vitamins and minerals that help keep you healthy! via Any Reason Vegans

Here’s one smoothie that stands out from the crowd. It comes with a refreshing taste, a creamy texture and lots of healthy nutrients. This smoothie can be the perfect choice for breakfast or for the time when you simply want a healthy drink. Did I tell you that it’s delicious and super healthy? via Refresh My Health

The only kale smoothie recipe you’ll ever need: not only good for you, but also delicious! This detoxifying protein-packed green smoothie tastes amazingly refreshing and only takes 5 minutes to make! via Happy Kitchen

Try a smoothie bowl packed with vitamins and antioxidants via Creative Green Living

Immune Boosting Soups and Broths

The carrots, green apples and ginger in this soup provide an immune system boost during cold and flu season. Roasting the fruit and vegetables provides a depth in flavor to this simple to prepare meal. via Marathons and Motivation

This Green Goddess Immune Boosting Soup packs in nutrition like a smoothie, but it's perfect for cold nights. via The View From Great Island

55 Delicious Immune Boosting Recipes (4)

Keep your immune-system strong and healthy with a steaming bowl of soup brimming with immunity-boosting ingredients. Beets, apples, carrots, and ginger are high in vitamins and antioxidants that boost immunity, increase cardiovascular function, and provide other healing properties. via Just Beet It

Curry spice and turmeric vegetable curry recipe boost the immune system and benefit overall health. via Any Reason Vegans

Bieler Broth (or Green Detox Soup) is an easy and nutritious blended vegetable soup that’s perfect for anyone looking to reset after the holidays or give their immune system a boost. via Marathons and Motivation

MakeInstant Pot bone brothto boost your immune system. Drink it or use in other recipes. via Everything Pretty

Combine some immunity-boosting superfoods together to make a delicious immunity soup to keep your family healthy all season long. via Sonshine Kitchen

Make healing turmeric broth to sip to support your immune system. via Kitchen Frau

Pressure Cooker Carrot Ginger Soup. Fully loaded with lots of fresh carrots and fresh ginger. The perfect comfort soup cooked in the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker. Even better, this makes the best healthy Instant Pot Freezer Meal that you have ever tried! via Recipe This

This immune boosting soup is so delicious and full of ingredients that are known to help boost your immune system. via Kelly Stilwell

Make comfort food cold busting green tea chicken noodle soup when you don't feel well. via About a Mom

Tea and Drinks

Make your own elderberry syrup recipe with honey to support your immune system. via Everything Pretty

If you'd rather use your pressure cooker, try this Instant Pot elderberry syrup recipe. via Koti Beth

Sip a cup of immune boosting elderberry tea with warming spices to support your immune system. via. Tasting Page

55 Delicious Immune Boosting Recipes (5)

If cold tea is more your thing, try elderberry iced tea. via Any Reason Vegan

Meet sea buckthorn! Delicious immune and metabolism boosting magic sea buckthorn tea will support your health and make your skin glow! Being an amazing source of nutrients and vitamins, this healing tea is worth to try to stay healthy through the winter! via Happy Kitchen

Don't like to eat vegetables? Drink your greens with this tasty green drink recipe. via Creative Green Living

Tomato Tea recipe that is made with 2 ingredients! This easy homemade tomato tea can be served hot or cold and is filled with many health benefits! Whenever my skin is breaking out, I drink a cup of this in the afternoon! via Brooklyn Farm Girl

Try a warming fire cider vinegar recipe to relieve symptoms from cold and flu. via Soap Deli New

Make an easy immune boosting tea recipe with honey, ginger, and ACV. via Joy Food Sunshine

A green shot smoothie that doesn’t have a strong “green” taste, packed with all sorts of healthy nutrients and definitely tasty. Definitely an advanced smoothie that requires many ingredients but it’s also one of my best recipes so far. via Refresh My Health

Not a fan of veggies? Drink your veggies with this green immune boosting shot recipe. via Tasting Page

Don't have a juicer? Make immunity shots without a juicer. via Nestle and Glow

Try an easy immune boosting cinnamon thyme tea. via Recipes to Nourish

Here's another ginger lemon shots blender recipe that can be made without a juicer. via Green Smoothie Gourmet

This Soothing Therapeutic Herbal Tea is just what you need for these winter months and can be comforting along with health benefits. via Culinary Ginger

Add some spice to your life! Want to increase circulation and boost immunity? Sip a Beet Grapefruit Juice with Cayenne! via Just Beet It

Elderberry Good Girl Moonshine. Immune boosting and delicious. This is the perfect sipper for those germy winter months. via Joy Filled Eats

Boost your vitamin C with this C-Shot cold drink. via Comeback Momma

55 Delicious Immune Boosting Recipes (6)

Immunity Booster Shots: See how to make ginger shots packed with vitamins, antioxidants and rich, citrusy flavour. The 5-minute easy immunity booster shots are perfect to start your day healthy and energised! via Country Hill Cottage

Discover the art of making Homemade Water Kefir and Double Fermented Soda. Water Kefir is a delicious probiotic rich non-dairy drink for everyday good gut health! via Original Homesteading

Complete instructions on how to begin making your own Probiotic Rich Milk Kefir for enhanced gut health to build a strong immune system. via Original Homesteading

Learn how to make celery juice three different ways. via Trendy Mami

Main Dishes

This Yellow Turmeric Rice is super easy to make using pantry ingredients, packed with immune-boosting turmeric and is full of flavour. Naturally vegan and gluten-free. via Rhian's Recipes

Make a teriyaki booster bowl packed with extra nutrients to boost your immune system. via The Foodie Physician

Try an immune boosting chicken, bacon, kale skillet dinner. via Strictly Delicious

I hope you enjoy these 55 immune boosting recipes!

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55 Delicious Immune Boosting Recipes (7)

55 Delicious Immune Boosting Recipes (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.