arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (2024)

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (1) Recipe: arnold palmer slushie

It got hot again.

This is not unexpected, but I was hoping that we were done with the crazy hot. Erin and I set off for the mountains again in search of our treasures (that would be huckleberries, and you knew that because you know I have a problem an obsession). We spent 13 hours on the trail and in the hucks, picking and chatting and straightening our sore backs and picking and stretching out our cramped legs. Squatting to check for purple berries, I squinted up at the clear blue skies and blazing sun. Our normal afternoon thunderheads did not develop that day – we only got cloud relief around 4 pm and they were puny little clouds at that! Sometimes when I stood up to stretch my old lady muscles, I would spy Banjo, Erin’s pup, sleeping in the shade. It’s okay to envy a dog, right? Colorado mountain dogs have the best life. Banjo never showed any interest in the hucks, whereas Kaweah would have been all up in my business trying to eat them… that or she would have zeroed in on the nearest animal carcass or poop pile in which to roll. Good times.

he’s thinking “you don’t have anything good to eat, do you?”

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (2)

banjo is an incredibly well-behaved dog

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (3)

Actually, that day wasn’t so bad in terms of heat. Wednesday was bad, I mean hot (thus bad), because I had a chocolate shoot. I consume a good bit of water on a daily basis, but especially on hot days. It is my beverage of choice. But on special occasions I will spring for an oh-so-refreshing Arnold Palmer, which is half lemonade-half iced tea. The last few times we hosted dinner parties, I made lemonade and iced tea for non-alcoholic beverage choices to offer our guests. And no one wanted iced tea or lemonade! They all opted for the Arnold Palmer. My friend, Luke, taught 3-year old Felix how to make an Arnold Palmer. When Luke took a sip, he said, “Mmmm mmmm mmmm!!!” We made one for Felix in a juice glass and when he tasted it for the first time, he mimicked his father and grinned, “Mmmm mmmm mmmm!!!” Another fan of the AP has been added to our ranks! But for those extra hot days, you need to take it one step further.

lemons. ice, black tea, water, sugar

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (4)

pour boiling water over the tea leaves

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (5)

let it steep

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (6)

boil sugar and water for your simple syrup

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (7)

Sure, you could buy Arnold Palmer in the store already made. You could buy lemonade and iced tea and do the 1:1 ratio at home. But it’s not THAT much additional effort to make it at home. Tea takes 3 minutes to steep and homemade lemonade is light years better than store bought. Plus, it’s nice knowing where you food came from and how to make it. Cooking is a highly underrated life skill!

lemon juice, tea, simple syrup

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (8)

pour the lemonade and simple syrup into a pitcher

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (9)

add the tea

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (10)

My Arnold Palmer mix is pretty concentrated because I like a lot of ice in my slushies. If you don’t want a lot of ice, or if you want to drink it as a non-slushie, just add water until it is the right strength of sweet, sour, and tea for you. Also? I love any reason to use my Vitamix because it doesn’t leave chunks of ice like my old blender did.

place ice in the blender and add some arnold palmer nectar

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (11)

blitz it up and pour

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (12)

This drink tops the charts in the Refreshing category. Not too sweet, a little fruity tartness, and smooth black tea to take the edge off. But in slushie form, this is the ultimate summer refresher! And for all you boozehounds, you can make yourself a Tipsy Palmer by adding some bourbon. We win!

i give you the slushie palmer

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (13)

Arnold Palmer Slushie
[print recipe]

1 cup sugar
1 cup water
4 tsps loose black tea
2 cups boiling water
1 cup lemon juice, fresh squeezed

Combine 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water in a small saucepan over high heat. Bring to a boil while stirring to help dissolve the sugar. Let boil for a minute then remove from heat. Let the simple syrup cool (should make about 1 1/2 cups). Steep 4 teaspoons of loose black tea in 2 cups of boiling water for 3 minutes. Strain the tea through a sieve and discard the tea leaves. Let the tea cool. When the simple syrup is no longer hot, combine it with the lemon juice to make a concentrated lemonade. Add the tea to the lemonade concentrate. Put 1 cup of ice in a blender with 1 cup of the Arnold Palmer mix. Run the blender on high until the ice has been completely slushed. Pour in a highball and serve. Makes 6 slushies.

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (14)

more goodness from the use real butter archives

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arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (19)

September 3rd, 2014: 9:54 pm
filed under beverage, frozen, fruit, gluten-free, recipes, sweet

arnold palmer iced tea lemonade slushie recipe – use real butter (2024)


What are the ingredients in Arnold Palmer iced tea lemonade? ›

Ingredients. Premium Brewed Blend of Black Teas Using Filtered Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup (Glucose-Fructose Syrup), Lemon Juice from Concentrate, Pear Juice from Concentrate, Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Natural Flavors, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, Gum Acacia, Ester Gum.

What is the Arnold Palmer drink at Chick Fil A? ›

Arnold Palmer is the name many people use for a beverage that combines lemonade and iced tea due to the late professional golfer's penchant for it. Chick-fil-A is calling its drink a sunjoy -- a combination of the words sunshine and enjoy.

What type of tea is in an Arnold Palmer? ›

Black teas are often preferred for iced tea and the top choice for the Arnold Palmer as well.

Who owns Arnold Palmer drink? ›

Liquid Death did not specify if a threat came from Palmer's estate, the Arizona Beverage Company or Innovative Flavors, which owns the licensing rights to Arnold Palmer Iced Tea, nor have any of those groups publicly commented on the issue or confirmed the threat.

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What is an Arnold Palmer drink made of? ›

The Arnold Palmer is a non-alcoholic beverage that combines iced tea and lemonade. The name refers to the professional American golfer Arnold Palmer, who was known to often request and drink this beverage combination; some attribute the invention of the beverage to the golfer.

What's the difference between an Arnold Palmer and a SunJoy? ›

Chick-fil-A customers may also know it as SunJoy. But the most common moniker for iced tea and lemonade is Arnold Palmer. Even actress Keke Palmer chimed in to argue for the Arnold Palmer—and she clarified that if you spike it with tequila, it's called a Keke Palmer.

Why is lemonade and iced tea called Arnold Palmer? ›

The Story Behind The Arnold Palmer® Beverage

After a hot day on the course at Latrobe Country Club, he would ask his wife Winnie to make him an iced tea with lemonade. In the 1960's, not only did people want to golf like Arnold Palmer, but they wished to model their life after their hero, too.

Is the lemonade from Chick Fil A real? ›

Freshly prepared at each Chick-fil-A Restaurant using simple ingredients: real lemon juice—not from concentrate, sugar, and water.

Is Arnold Palmer drink healthy? ›

So, Are Arnold Palmers Healthy? Arnold Palmers at their core are simply lemonade and black tea, but due to the high content of sugar found in traditional lemonade, Arnold Palmers should be consumed in moderation.

What is another name for an Arnold Palmer? ›

What would you call a sweet tea with lemonade in it? - Quora. Sweet tea with lemonade mixed in is often referred to as an "Arnold Palmer" or a "Half-and-Half." The drink is named after the famous golfer Arnold Palmer, who was known for enjoying this refreshing blend of iced tea and lemonade on the golf course.

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How many car dealerships did Arnold Palmer own? ›

as well as owning six General Motors and Ford Motor Co. dealerships in five states. Palmer, who died of complications from heart problems Sunday at age 87, was first and foremost the golf champion who brought the sport to the masses.

Does Arnold Palmer make money from the drink? ›

"I had a big glass of iced tea and I put lemonade on it and, boy, was it good! Well, a lady at a table nearby heard me do that and she said, 'I want a Palmer. '" He didn't make any money off his namesake drink until recently, when he teamed with Arizona Beverage Co., a market leader in the iced tea space.

Did Arnold Palmer invent the Arnold Palmer drink? ›

He did not invent the drink and from what I gathered it was named after him arbitrarily. He endorsed the Arizona Tea version and drinks it often. A John Daly (also called something else but is slipping my mind) is made by mixing an Arnold Palmer with vodka.

Is an Arnold Palmer made with sweet or unsweet tea? ›

Here's how to master the Arnold Palmer. Made famous by Arnold Palmer himself, this classic is a mix of half unsweet tea and half lemonade.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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