Dutch Baby Not Puffing Up | Ask Nigella.com (2024)

Full question

Hi! I made Nigella's Dutch Baby but it didn't come out all puffed up out of the oven. It came out flat, but still tasted very good. What can I do to have it puffed and golden as described in the recipe ?

Our answer

Nigella's Dutch Baby (from SIMPLY NIGELLA) is a batter that is baked in a very hot oven. As it bakes the batter puffs up, in a similar way to a Yorkshire pudding or a popover. The recipe doesn't contain any chemical leavening as the milk and eggs create steam that causes the Dutch Baby to rise.

If the pancake was a little flat it is most likely that either the oven or the skillet (or other pan) was not hot enough. If the pan isn't hot enough then the liquid does not heat up and create the steam quickly enough and so the flour will cook through and set before the pancake can rise. We suggest that you give the oven and skillet plenty of time to heat up thoroughly before adding the batter. This could be 10-20 minutes, depending on your oven. We would also suggest using a metal pan if you don't have a cast iron skillet, as heat conducts quickly through metal in comparison with some other materials.

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Dutch Baby Not Puffing Up | Ask Nigella.com (2024)


Dutch Baby Not Puffing Up | Ask Nigella.com? ›

If the pancake was a little flat it is most likely that either the oven or the skillet (or other pan) was not hot enough. If the pan isn't hot enough then the liquid does not heat up and create the steam quickly enough and so the flour will cook through and set before the pancake can rise.

Why didn't my Dutch rise? ›

Why Didn't My Dutch Baby Puff Up? Like popovers and Yorkshire pudding, the thing that gives Dutch babies their signature puff is steam. In order for that steam to work the pancake into its signature peaks and valleys, you need two things: enough air in a well-developed batter and a piping-hot pan and oven.

How do I stop my Dutch baby from deflating? ›

There are two main culprits to flat, sad Dutch baby pancakes: Your oven wasn't hot enough. The hotter your oven, the more puffed your Dutch baby pancake will be. Make sure to preheat the oven for at least 10 minutes before baking the batter.

Why did my Dutch baby collapse? ›

Out of the oven, the Dutch baby will quickly collapse back into the pan — the steam holding it up quickly evaporates in the cooler air of your kitchen.

Why does my Dutch baby taste eggy? ›

Eggs are essential for creating the Dutch baby's signature rise and custardy texture. However, when the ratio of eggs to flour and milk is too high, or if the eggs used are particularly large, the resulting flavor can be more omelette-like than desired.

Why does my Dutch baby not puff? ›

If the pancake was a little flat it is most likely that either the oven or the skillet (or other pan) was not hot enough. If the pan isn't hot enough then the liquid does not heat up and create the steam quickly enough and so the flour will cook through and set before the pancake can rise.

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But almost as good as a proofing box is taking a Mason jar filled halfway up with water, microwaving it for two minutes, then putting your bowl of dough into the microwave with the jar to rise. The other thing you can do is place your lidded container or bowl of dough into a second, larger bowl of warm water.

Can you heat up a Dutch baby? ›

Make-Ahead and Storage. How to Reheat: Place the Dutch baby on a cookie sheet tray lined with parchment paper and cooked at 350° until warmed, about 3-5 minutes. You can also reheat in the microwave.

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Cake sinking after baking can be prevented by ensuring the oven is preheated correctly, using the right size of baking tin, avoiding opening the oven door too early, checking for doneness with a toothpick, and allowing the cake to cool gradually in the oven before removing it.

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Avoid Heat Sources

Air mattresses are prone to deflation if they are placed near heat sources. Sunlight, heaters, and other heat sources can cause the air inside the mattress to expand, leading to a rupture. It is essential to ensure that the air mattress is placed in a cool, dry place to prevent this from happening.

What is another name for a Dutch baby? ›

A Dutch baby pancake, sometimes called a German pancake, a Bismarck, a Dutch puff, Hooligan, or a Hootenanny, is a dish that is similar to a large Yorkshire pudding.

Does a Dutch baby have to be made in a cast iron skillet? ›

A Dutch baby is a puffy pancake baked up in sizzling butter in a cast-iron skillet. But you can also bake them in cake pans or a regular oven-safe skillet. Or for savory, individual portions try my Popovers Recipe!

Who invented the Dutch baby? ›

Many credit Seattle's Maca Cafe for adapting the recipe in the early 20th century. Legend has it that when Victor Maca's daughter first saw the German-derived dish, she mispronounced Deutsch (“German”) as “Dutch,” and the Dutch baby was born.

What makes a Dutch baby rise? ›

What makes a Dutch baby rise? The magic that makes that Dutch baby pancake rise to its signature heights is simple: Steam! The combination of air that's whipped into the eggs when you mix the batter and the super hot cast-iron skillet (and oven) create the conditions needed for the lift we love.

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Fragrant spices like cloves, cinnamon, allspice, ginger, or nutmeg can help overpower the eggs, leaving you with a cake that's comforting and aromatic.

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That's because I find that eggs and sugar alone usually result in a flat taste. You can choose what spices to go for according to your taste but I do recommend adding a pinch of ginger to prevent that “eggy” smell that you can have sometimes with meringues.

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When sourdough bread dough doesn't rise, it's usually because the starter you used wasn't active enough. To remedy this problem, make sure you're using recently fed, active starter with lots of bubbles. Also, next time try using warm (not hot) water when you mix up the dough and rising it in a warmer location.

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Yeast is too hot Yeast may have been dissolved in water that was too hot, or the liquid ingredients in the recipe may be too hot, causing the yeast to die. Yeast needs to be warm - not too hot, not too cold. Yeast is too cold If the other ingredients are too cold, it could cause some of the yeast to die.

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A dull edge can cement layers together and prevent pastry from rising. Always cut Puff Pastry straight down, never on an angle, to prevent layers from sticking together and inhibiting the rise. Cut up and down, and don't drag the knife. You can brush an egg-wash glaze (1 egg plus 1 tsp.

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The liquid was too hot, or not hot enough.

It will usually tell you to use “warm” water. The water temperature should be between 110 - 115 F degrees. If your liquid is too hot (i.e. boiling) it will kill the yeast and prevent the rise. If it's not hot enough, the yeast won't have the heat needed to bloom.

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