Sweet & Sour Sauce - Lee Kum Kee (2024)


Lee Kum Kee’s ready-to-use Sweet & Sour Sauce delivers consistent fruity and tangy flavors! It’s a classic favorite! Use for your traditional Sweet & Sour Pork, a sauce for wings, or a flavor solution to vegan and gluten-free applications!


Water, high fructose corn syrup, distilled white vinegar, sugar, tomato paste, modified corn starch, pineapple juice concentrate, salt, FD&C Yellow 5, FD&C Red 40, citric acid, FD&C Yellow 6, xanthan gum, natural flavor, sodium benzoate added as a preservative.



Pack Sizes

9 lb 8 oz (4.31 kg), Pail

Sweet & Sour Sauce - Lee Kum Kee (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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