12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (2024)

Published: by Terri Gilson · Modified: · As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may contain affiliate links · 13 Comments

If you love spaghetti but like me, you always make too much and end up with leftover spaghetti, you need these Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes in your life! My Secret Ingredient Spaghetti Sauce is on regular rotation at our house (and one of the most popular recipes on the blog) so I always have excess noodles. And since I'm constantly looking for new ways to use up leftover spaghetti noodles, I imagine I'm not the only one...

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (1)

I've created my own recipes to reinvent my leftover spaghetti and rounded up some more recipes from my fellow food bloggers. This round up of 12 easy leftover spaghetti recipes includes everything from fried leftover spaghetti to leftover spaghetti pie, leftover spaghetti salad, spaghetti casserole and more. If you're looking for leftover inspiration, look no further!

No one wants to be wasting food, but the same leftovers can get really boring. And once you run out of spaghetti sauce, the noodles are no longer nearly as inviting.

So finding new and delicious ways to use up leftovers is the key!

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (2)

Fortunately, spaghetti is a great pantry staple, economical, and extremely versatile. And it's easy to use as the base for a great leftover meal.

In fact, leftover spaghetti recipes can even become the star of the show!

This Peanut Pasta Salad was born out of my need to use up leftover spaghetti noodles. But it's sooo good, it's taken on a life of its own! When my nephew recently came to town to visit, I told him I'd make him anything he wanted (maybe he saw something on Instagram he liked?)

And what did he choose out of my 400+ recipes? He chose THIS healthy Leftover Spicy Peanut Pasta Salad recipe because I'd made it when I was visiting my parents and he LOVED it that much!

📋 Spicy Peanut Pasta Salad Recipe

A little spicy, quick and full of veggies, this Spicy Vegan Peanut Pasta Salad with spicy peanut sauce is a delicious way to use up leftover spaghetti noodles. It's fast and easy to make and is perfect for dinner, lunch boxes and potlucks!

Check out this Spicy Peanut Pasta Salad Recipe!

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (3)

Easy Thai Pork Noodles

This Easy Thai Pork Noodles Recipe is a simple and quick dinner that can be made in 30 minutes. It uses leftover spaghetti noodles, soy sauce, peanut butter and boneless pork (pork loin or tenderloin) and frozen broccoli. It's also WW friendly!

Check out this Easy Thai Pork Noodles recipe!

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (4)

📋 Healthy Million Dollar Spaghetti Casserole Recipe

This healthier version of Million Dollar Spaghetti Casserole has all the creaminess of a million dollar casserole, minus the calories! It's easy to make, a great way to enjoy spaghetti in a different form and you can also use up leftover spaghetti noodles!

Check out this Healthy Million Dollar Spaghetti Casserole recipe!

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (5)

Pasta Frittata with Sausage and Broccoli Rabe

Packed with broccoli rabe, bell peppers, sausage, and cheese, Pasta Frittata is a delicious way to use up leftover pasta.

Check out this Pasta Frittata recipe!

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (6)

Fried Spaghetti with Eggs

Fried spaghetti with eggs is a great way to enjoy leftover spaghetti in a delicious meal that is great for breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinner. This simple recipe results in crispy spaghetti, fried eggs, bold garlic flavor too.

Check out this Fried Spaghetti with Eggs recipe!

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (7)

Leftover Spaghetti Pie

This spaghetti pie recipe pulls together all of the best aspects of this Italian classic - pasta - cheese, meat sauce, and more cheese.It's the perfect way to use up leftover spaghetti noodles!

Check out this Leftover Spaghetti Pie recipe!

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (8)

Leftover Spaghetti in Edible Garlic Bread Bowls

What's more fun than eating your leftover spaghetti out of mini garlic bread bowls?! Plus, thanks to their small size you can eat them either as an appetizer, or fill up a few to eat as an entree!

Check out this Leftover Spaghetti Garlic Bread Bowl recipe!

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (9)

Spicy Shrimp Pasta

This easy pasta recipe is a great way to use extra pasta. The creamy and slightly spicy sauce comes together quick!

Check out this Spicy Shrimp Pasta recipe!

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (10)

Bruschetta Chicken Pasta

This bruschetta chicken pasta recipe has plenty of fresh flavors. Enjoy garden fresh ripe tomatoes in a healthy family meal. This is one of those recipes that is delicious the first day when it is served warm, yet even better the next day once all the flavors have melded together.

Check out this Bruschetta Chicken Pasta recipe!

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (11)

Chicken Spaghetti

Chicken spaghetti is the ultimate throw together meal with leftover spaghetti noodles and rotisserie chicken. This recipe is full of flavor and amazingly creamy.

Check out this Chicken Spaghetti recipe!

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (12)

Garlic Olive Oil Pasta Recipe (Aglio e Olio)

Garlic Olive Oil Spaghetti is a great use for your leftover pasta! All you need is 3 ingredients and 15 minutes to make this super simple and super flavorful pasta recipe. This is a great side dish, or a simple lunch:

Check out this Garlic Olive Oil Pasta recipe!

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (13)

Pasta a Frittata: Italian Fried Pasta

Fried pasta is not even a recipe; it is what Italians do when they have pasta leftover and don't want to cook anything. Fried spaghetti is perfect for a lazy day or a picnic. Find out how to make it crispy!

Check out this Fried Pasta Recipe!

12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (14)

❔Frequently Asked Questions

How long can spaghetti last in the fridge?

Spaghetti will last for 3-4 days in the fridge in a sealed container.

How long can spaghetti sit out?

Don't let spaghetti sit out for more than 2 hours before refrigerating it.

Can you freeze leftover spaghetti?

Leftover spaghetti can be frozen for up to 3 months in an airtight container or plastic freezer bag (make sure it's a "freezer bag" and not a "storage bag"). Freezing spaghetti noodles is a great way to avoid waste, as it only lasts a few days in the fridge.

How to reheat frozen spaghetti?

The best way to reheat frozen spaghetti is to defrost it in the fridge overnight, then add 2 teaspoons of water to it (per cup of spaghetti) and place the noodles in a microwave-safe dish. Microwave on full power for 30-45 seconds, then remove, stir, and return to microwave at 30-second intervals, as many times as needed, until it's heated through.

Alternatively, once your noodles are defrosted, you can put them in a colander/strainer and dip them into boiling water for approximately 30 seconds or until they are warmed up.


  • Do not use the same utensils on cooked food, that previously touched raw meat
  • Wash hands after touching raw meat
  • Don't leave food sitting out at room temperature for extended periods
  • Never leave cooking food unattended
  • Use oils with highsmoking pointto avoid harmful compounds
  • Always havegood ventilation when using a gas stove

Seemore guidelines at USDA.gov.

If you're looking for leftover spaghetti ideas and want to breathe new life into your leftover noodles, then you'll love these 12 easy leftover spaghetti noodle recipes!


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Reader Interactions


  1. Colleen

    I ALWAYS end up with way to much spaghetti and I always feel bad about wasting them. So thanks for putting together this delicious looking collection of ideas to use the leftovers. This will come in handy after our next spaghetti night!


    • Terri Gilson

      Thanks, Colleen - enjoy!


  2. Cindy Mom the Lunch Lady

    This is such a great post. I am notorious for cooking WAY too much spaghetti. I usually use it to make chicken spaghetti, but love the other ideas you are sharing!


    • Terri Gilson

      Thanks, Cindy!


  3. Vanessa

    Now I want to make lots of leftover spaghetti on purpose!!


    • Terri Gilson

      I do that too, Vanessa!


  4. Bernice

    OMG you're going to laugh Terri. My youngest son just moved out on his own and made bolognese....and boiled TWO whole packages of spaghetti. He was somehow surprised with the piles of spaghetti he had left. LOL
    I'm sending him this roundup tonight!


    • Terri Gilson

      That's too funny, Bernice! Yes, he really needs these recipes!


  5. Sue

    How creative are all of these ideas! I've really been focusing on decreasing food waste. spaghetti noodles often look so uninviting in the fridge as leftovers. Looking forward to giving noodles a new life.


    • Terri Gilson

      That is so awesome that you're decreasing food waste! I'm so glad these recipes inspired you, Sue!


  6. Julia

    I can't tell you the number of times I throw away spaghetti noodles. I always make too many . This post is a game changer. Saving, thank you!


    • Terri Gilson

      You're welcome, Julia! No more waste-yay!


  7. Marie Porter

    What great ideas! I'm especially interested in the spaghetti pie - I bet that's a bunch of fun to make / eat!


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12 Easy Leftover Spaghetti Noodle Recipes (2024)
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